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We had requested the honeymoon suite but had an expectation that our guide would stay with us nearby, but after delivering our evening dinner, he waved goodbye until breakfast! Just before going he advised us to place any food in a large coolbox to avoid it being eaten by rats! Welcome to the jungle!! And what if we had an emergency? No mobile phone to ring for help, just 3 ziplines and a 30 minute walk through the jungle at night to get to the kitchen! Snakes can climb trees too, and all that would be between us and then was a mosquito net around the bed! OMG!

We were in bed early at 18:30 both secretly terrified! My escape was good earplugs so I would be oblivious to activity around me, but at 21:15 Jocelyne woke me to say we had visitors! Ratty was on the hunt, but was scared by my bright torchlight – at least for a while. In the morning I found he had chewed the tongue of my walking shoes to chew the foam! But we didn’t see shakes or spiders which can aparently be as big as your fist!

Our guide Yia arrived at 08:00 with breakfast and soon after the mist cleared and a family of gibbons started their morning call. The atteched video recorded the sound but they were too far away to see. Their is some background noise but hopefully you will get an jnsight into this magical call of the gibbons.


Attached also is a clip of me arriving at our treehouse on the zipline!


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